Non-writing-bloggers, this tip is for you; when you find yourself on the giving end of a several paragraph comment or review that is totally off blog post topic, THIS is when you needNeedNEED to write a post. It means that your head is full and you cannot stand not putting fingers to keyboard any longer. Just one of those useful little FYI tips I like to hand out to my fellow bloggers now and then...
I'm also over in another tabbbie clearing out the emails that accumulated from Saturday morning to today, and I'm noticing, not for the first time, that since I wrote the post about the spam-mails, I've been getting loadsLoadsLOADS of them in my inbox. Who knew spammers could give out karmic retribution?!?
Anyway, I'm going through the email, and I see that I have several good ones ~ IE: ones that I'm actually going to read, not delete, mark as spam or mark as read and then file without so much as getting past the subject line. But I don't really want to read them right now... Why? Because then they will permeate my brain and dilute my thought process and thereby my writing... which I've decided last night to take to a higher level... like an actual book level. Which, honestly, I never thought I would do.
First of all, I don't see myself as creative, and second of all, I am super-extra-lousy at dialogue... so it never occurred to me to even consider writing a book. WhoTF do I think I am anyway? I mean really, I am so NOT Anne Rice, ya know? And then I started thinking to myself, "Aria, how the hell are you going to write a book and keep up with your blog at the same time? You're going to cross over each other and repeat yourself from blog to book, and book to blog and you're not that interesting to begin with, woman!"
So, after I kicked my brain in it's negative ass, I decided that ya know what, you don't get shit if you don't even try. Kind of like me with my silly little lotto tickets. I know the odds are huge and stacked against me, but you sure won't win if you don't buy a ticket at all. So, I'm buying my writing ticket. Not that I have any idea whatsoever about publishers and agents and book tours and whatever else is involved, but, I've also come to find out that sometimes ignorance really is bliss, cause honestly, would we do some of the things we've done if we had ANY idea at the outset how friggin' hard it was going to be? Mmmm probably not. Thank you for your ignorance Amerigo Vespucci and Columbus, right?
Yeah, so I'm going for it. I read Jen Lancaster's book Such a Pretty Fat
So, y'all that was my big weekend revelation, kind of like the one just 3 minutes ago, where I realized that I've been misspelling AugustEn Burroughs the entire time and for someone as name-obsessed as myself, that is just Fucking WRONG, and for those of you that have seen my early listings descriptions, you'll appreciate just how wrong and on how many levels...
So, y'all how's your monday?
A book!!! How exciting! Sign me up to sell your first one to, and I want it autographed, damn it! I know your ploy figure since Oprah hasn't recognized your blog as the best in the world, then you want to get that book as one of her Book Club reads and you can then get on her show. You aren't fooling me! I have also thought about doing it, but my poor ego probably couldn't take the critics and the rejection, and I'd be 84 by the time I got it finished. But, good for you. You will inspire me to start on mine if you find success! I will be hoping for you. (And I am serious about buying your first copy!):-)
You are so funny with your refusal to capitalize monday!! I think I'll join you in that cause!
Retired One ~ Thank you for your well wishes! First SIGNED one for the public (my family would kill them if you got the veryVERY first one ~ and they know how to operate forklifts and car crushers aka Soprano's style!)
Lori ~ Mean ole monday gets all the action... They even have t-shirts and coffee mugs! Egomaniacal monday!
How wonderful for you! I know you will do great and I wish you the best!!!!
Military Momz ~ Thank you ladies!
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