Sunday, September 13, 2009

LMFAO Friday ~ Celebration Sunday Edition

I know y'all are sayin', "What the hell, Aria? You promised, no matter how spotty your blogging schedule got, we could always count on LMFAO Fridays; and last week you were a day late, and we forgave you, and now this week you're posting on a Sunday for Pete's sake?!? Nobody reads blogs on SUNDAY! What the hell is going on with you, woman?" Did I nail it or what?

Well, my dear, abused readers, I'll tell ya what's going on... I've been dealing with country dial-up and not enough patience to operate the system. Something happens to a person when they try to run a blog and do the networking required to make it fly farther than into the fan when that person is slapped in the face by their ISP every time they go online. After chasing the munchkin, who, I might add, is in Full. Blown. Terrible. Two's. And if I thought anything that came before was bad *eyeroll* I was in fantasy land. I was so beat down that I'd become thrilled whenever I was getting 40 Kbps, but with the rains, it had started turning 28.8 into my top speed. kill me now

But, finally I caught a break from one of the most unexpected sources. The generally acknowledged bane of my existence. Best Buy. For once in my life, the ole yellow and blue came through and I didn't want to kill something after several hours inside... despite their still dismal bathrooms.
For once, the prowess of their hypnotic salespeople did me some good. They had a guy in there who was skilled enough to talk Hubby into 3G wireless internet access.

Once againthe angels are descending from heaven and singing the hallelujah chorus, but this time they're my angels.

No more blogger envy as I see that so & so has dropped a bazillion entrecards every single stinkin' day. No more wishing I could get to all my blog followers that have been spectacular in their persistent commenting, and comment back, because to do so would literally take hours out of my day... and I'm not even into double digit comments with any regularity! Imagine if I had comment numbers like some of y'all? OMG! I mean, I want 'em, but at those speeds it would have killed me!

So, I want to thank you for sticking with me, and let you know that I now have the internet speeds to not appear like such an ungrateful comment recipient. From now on, I'll be able to visit and comment, and drop cards and all kinds of other things that I'll discover as I go forth into this vast wonderland that is high-speed internet...

And in celebration, albiet late, it is my pleasure to be able to give you some LMFAO Friday, even if it is a Sunday. And I'm going to be adding some new things to Aria'z Ink, to give you something for all your patience. Thanks again for showing up at all, I promise, it's about to get better. God Bless cause it's a Sunday ya heathen! and enjoy!

fail owned pwned pictures
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Where were the Politically-Correct-Police when that name was being bandied around the boardroom?

fail owned pwned
see more Fail Blog

Does a guarantee that there will be emergency room customers qualify as health care reform?

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Yes. Yes they do. That is all.

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Spend your hard-earned money buying our overpriced food here, but then get the hell out and find your own place to eat it!

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Ah, obviously, the science teacher is a graduate of community college...

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

So, I'm thinking she won't be in the running this season on America's Next Top Model, but I'm sure we'll see her on Idol.

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Jeff, I don't care what you were going for, bottom line is, it turned out to be a giant statue of a naked man's ass.

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This is what happens when a redneck gets his wife's car in the divorce settlement...

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

...and once again, society at large shows it's true colors...

fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Oh baby, I got a whole other meanin' for that! For the abbreviation of 'point of sale' too! Registered & Protected


Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Congrats on the upgrade. Your life will never be the same!

Lin said...

Welcome to the world of high speed internet and STILL not enough time to do all those drops! :)

The Retired One said...

I am so happy for you! It is SO frustrating when your computer doesn't function right. How in the hell are you supposed to be creative then, right?????
Its ok if you were late with these..I love them whenever you post them.
Hold down that little one with your foot and sneak him a hug for me.