Friday, March 6, 2009

LMFAO Friday Aria'z Birthday Edition

I'd rather sing happy birthday to you ~ you rhymes much better with zoo... But, oh well. Happy Birthday to me means laughter for you... Enjoy and Happy Friday Y'all!

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Damn it! Work week's gonna go slow as hell now...

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I know I said your haircut looked a little masculine, but the billboard was a little dramatic, don'cha think?

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When mommy and daddy say, "use the potty, Jimmy", we mean it

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New from the Summer Collection at Wheelchairs-R-Us

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Dammit Woman!!! I said get the hell off my back! Can't go anywhere without you ridin' my ass...

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Susie likes the peacock pecking the brains out of the lady with the Hitler mustache, but that's too much 'hidden meaning symbolism' for me. I'm gonna go with the Grand Wizard. Simple, straight-forward... plus it'll make my grandpa happy. Registered & Protected


Chat Blanc said...

Happy Birthday!! :)

The Retired One said...

Dear Aria,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ONE!!! We just pulled in our driveway at home in Michigan and all I could think of is that I had to get in the door and turn on my computer and wish you a happy birthday on your blog before it got too late in the day!!!!
I hope you get to hug on your little girl today. I wish you a year ahead of love, laughter (no problem there!) and health!!!!

Military Momz said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! Love the post!!!