Friday, September 18, 2009

LMFAO Friday ~ OMG It's Quiet Edition

Living Room in Disarray (It's Not My Fault)Image by karmablue via Flickr

So, most of the time, parenting a two year old without siblings in the same residence, is a whole lot of THIS along with this and this picture, which, incidentally, is not my home. So imagine my surprise when I looked up and didn't see the munchkin, so I called for him and nothing... so then I go on the hunt... only to find him all the way under my comforter out cold asleep curled up next to his dad, cause the munchkin got us both sick, so it's nice to have a little break during the day... in fact, I'm writing this and going back to bed.

So, enjoy y'all, and Happy LMFAO Friday!

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Seriously, if it weren't for the yarmulke, I'd SWEAR this was my son!

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Hello, officer, come and get me, I'm at 102 Main Street and I'll be here all night.
Thanks much!

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Just don't kick their tires, that would be mean.

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Hello, Mr. Editor, if you're wondering why your advertising revenue keeps dropping...

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They obviously saw the IKEA commercials...

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This may be one reason why the Houston Texans keep loosing. Just Sayin'.

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God said, "Do it again."

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Something tells me he's got a kickback deal with the cops...

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One burn out too many can lead to Car-B-Q's...

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China's secret plot to keep American children dumb.

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That sign was ticketed later in the day... Registered & Protected

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1 comment:

The Retired One said...

Sooooo sorry you are sick. Have some warm tea and pull that comforter way up by your chin.
These were funny as always! God, who could pack that car that way? What did they have, a 35 foot ladder? toooo funny!