Friday, July 17, 2009

LMFAO Friday #21

So here I am screwing around on twitter answering a buncha people ~even the famous ones cause they're just people putting it out there too, right? Then the munchkin goes off and I go out to comfort him and find that the hubby has gone to bed. And I'm all, WTF, no g'nite? Except that despite our wonderful midnight pancakes and Potter, we've been kinda warring. Which is reaching a new level of sucky, cause it was just me frustrated with him, but I've been bitchy-distant for several days now, and so now he's getting distant, which really gives me this ookey feeling that I'm not liking one bit, except that he was bugging me so much that I really just wanted him to leave me alone, and I'm getting what I wanted now, so I should shut the hell up and concentrate harder on winning the lotto jackpot and getting my dream house that I found online almost a month ago, but it's still for sale and I've been going through back issues of House Beautiful and picking out furnishings and paint and kitchen stuff for when I remodel the kitchen... And no, I totally haven't had three large glasses of iced tea with sugar in the last 2 hours and I'm not sounding like a crankster even inside my own head.


So it is, in all measured calmness and non-caffeinated-Speedy-Gonzalezness that I say, "It's time for LMFAO Friday! Enjoy!!!"

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I see the Easter bunny still visits Hick-town despite being shot at for Sunday dinner last year.

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... and Adams famously quoted, "I'm gonna git you sucka!"

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I see they use Vista too...

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Aww hell, Roscoe, I don't care whatcha say, Little Bo Luke Duke is riding shotgun, and that's that!

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This is what happens when parents don't listen to what they tell their kids...

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Hey, Pete! I'll bet you ten bucks the boss doesn't notice.

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See, just like life; it tells you straight out that it's the wrong bus, but it's still got the door open and is accepting passengers...

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Hey, the kid's just advertising for his mom...

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You want Baby Body Cemetery. It's a common mistake. Go about three miles back the way you came, it'll be on the right... Registered & Protected


Elizabeth McKenzie said...

Hears a link you should see, and listen to the 'ADD' song. Your post kinda reminded me of that. Give your hubby a kiss.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

Ha! Loved those. Thanks for sending me this way!!!

The Retired One said...

Loved these (again!)
Get your relatives to have the kid for the night....and you two get together for a wild time..!!!
I promise it will help!

Aria said...

Retired One ~ If we had any (trustworthy) ones close enough to do that with, we'd have fobbed him off on them long ago. Unfortunately, we don't.

JennyMac said...

This was a fantastic laugh for a Monday am!