Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kiddie Crack

I have found the one and only way to keep my son from staging a playpen-jailbreak.


He has a toddler crush or something. I mean, I know Disney is just street code for 'kiddie-crack'. And as many times as I've seen Cars or Aladdin, I have never seen anything like this. I don't usually let him watch movies in the morning. In the morning, it's PBS Kids and all things educational. It isn't until 5pm that PBS gives way to the news, so that's when a Boo-Boo movie gets played, so mommy can make dinner uninterrupted, and it's over (or really close to it) when daddy gets home.

Today, Boo dove out of his pen so that he could get to the DVD shelf, get Enchanted and bring it to me. So, brilliant mommy that I am, I deduced that he wanted to watch it, and asked him if he wanted to see Giselle, because that's what I do with Disney flicks, I call them by their character names...

He goes running from me, down the hall and over to the DVD player saying, "yahyahyah" all the way. I catch up, and he's already trying to mash the open button to insert the movie, but aside from that, he's standing there, ever so slightly hunch-shouldered, like he's so excited he's peeing his pants ~ he's still in diapers, for all I know, he really was.

I bend over to set up the movie, which puts me eye-level with Boo, who is saying, "Aihn-ded" as I get it going. Normally, at this point, he tries to get the movie box back from me, and I decline since we have several movies that now have only black-sharpie-hand-written-movie-titles on their spine... some still have the plastic cover, some do not. But he had an entirely different look on his face today when he reached up for the box, and it was this look that made me let him have it...

It was reverence. Angels-descending-all-around-hallelujah-chorus reverence. He looked at the box lovingly as I allowed him to relieve me of it. He didn't even fuss when I returned him to the playpen. He sat right down with his treasure-Enchanted-box and proceeded to watch the all the previews.

After a request for more milk, he is once again sitting entranced by Enchanted. And call me a sap, but you remember when Mopey came to visit earlier in the month? Yeah, well a viewing or two of Enchanted, and that jerkface went running from the building like his hair was on fire. And not to bust Hubby's manhood-bubble, but he doesn't turn it off when he comes in and finds it on ~ he sits down and watches whatever is left of the movie's run with us.

The damn thing is infectious... waaaaayyyy too easy to watch ~ and even just to listen to from the other room. It's almost scary, the spell it has weaved over my entire household. And the happy-pop goddess-baseline beat of "That's How You Know" (DVD chapter 10, so you can find it quickly ~ in the event of an emergency) sticks in your head more than any other Disney song ~ ever... OK, maybe not EVER ~ "Supercalifragilistic" is pretty hard to top... but it's right up there. Now I've got that damned song running through my skull... Oh, whew, it'll be OK, "Happy Working Song" (DVD chapter 6) just started... I have to hurry up and finish this post so I can go watch it with him; even though I'm sure it won't be the only showing of the day...

Disney (crack), Disney (crack)... want some Disney (crack)

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The Retired One said...

Ok, Crack Dealer....I haven't seen that movie yet. But, NOW...with your testimonial I am already getting the shakes, rolling my right sleeve up and saying: "give me just a little hit. Pleeeeeeze. Just a little". "I promise to pay you tomorrow. I gotta have some, man."
I love and get most of the Disney movies myself,but haven't gotten to this one yet.
You should see us at the store. A 55 (plus) couple, alone (with no kids with us) buying Disney DVDs. Of course, I always preface it with stating loudly to my husband (so the Clerk can hear me):
"Honey, don't you think (blank) (insert grandchild's name here) would LOVE this DVD?
And my loving husband (blows my cover everytime) deadpans with: "You know we don't have any grandchildren". (Which we DO!)
That little Shit!
So, now, I gotta cough up another $19.99 for a new Disney DVD. Thanks, Aria...thanks ALOT !!

Aria said...

Damn woman! Keep it down! The helicopters are totally circling the trailer! Oh, oh, see... now ya did it... they're busting in the front door... OK, well, I guess we're even now...

Military Momz said...

I know what you mean. We used to only watch Disney movies when our boys were little. We had so many, but I think the Fox and the Hound and the rooster one, ROck A Doodle or something like that were our favorites.

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord I don't have to watch Disney movies anymore. As a general rule, I do not enjoy animation or musicals, so Disney is OUT!

When Evan was that age, he was all about Blue's Clues. So my mother made him a video tape with nothing but Steve & Blue on it, LOL.

The Mom Jen said...

My oldest (age 10) loves that movie! ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting my blog :) by all means you can post that 40 tips to better life. I'll let you know when I have posted the last 20.

Have a great blogging day!

pehpot said...

The kids watched that last year and they were under spell for a week. They sing how do you know song and dance with her (and my kids are boys too!) Finally they moved on to Mama Mia (LOL)

Aria I have an award for you at my blog, and oh, would you like grab my button? (button exchange?) I already have yours actually :)

Teresa said...

hehehehe,that's so funny!Don't you just love how they never get tired of the same movie,over and over?

just a girl... said...

texas blogger here thought i would stop in and say hi.

Aria said...

Military Momz ~ Betcha those were on VHS, huh? LOL!!!

Angelika ~ Yes, my daughter loved Blue too, but then Blue got rid of Steve and let Joe move in, and it was never the super-dorky same. Actually prefer Disney to that.

The Mom ~ I originally bought it over Easter break last year for my (now 10) daughter. The roaches in the bathtub made me cringe, cause I'm in Texas now, and they OWN this state, kind of like ants in NorCal. Then one day, I rented it from the library and hubby, son & I watched it... and we were all hooked... Like fish.

Rocks ~ that's great! My readers will love that list, and thanks for stopping by!

Pehpot ~ Ohhh, don't mention Mama Mia to me... Boo loved that one too, and I had the songs popping up in my head for weeks after... SERIOUSLY! Hearing the song Mama Mia in your head when people at a funeral start taking pice... OMG, just lock me up in my strait jacket and throw away the key! Grabbed your button, and thanks for the award, I'll post it soon!

Teresa ~ I know, they can watch em back to back to back like it's nothing! It's one of the great things about FastPlay... I bow in humility to FastPlay.

Just a Girl ~ Too cool! Thanks so much for visiting, hope to see y'all again soon. Hurry back now, y'hear!

Aria said...

* in the comment to Pehpot, that word should have been pics, not pice...

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I have no little ones at home, is all I can say to this Disney crack spiel of yours. Whew! What you mommies of little Boos go through.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.