Well friends, I simply don't know how to do those shortie, 2 sentence blog posts. I write vignettes. I write full articles on life experiences and no matter how pithy a two sentence post may be, I cannot let it go at that. I have more to say, a position to back-up, an experience to share, a lesson that life has taught me that I can pass onto you without the heartache and time I went through.
I am not a typical writer. I only take assignments that I am comfortable with. I only write blog posts that I am comfortable putting out there to the world. Mind you, most of my family has no idea that I write this, and therefore, my comfort level is fairly wide. My writing has been my lifeline throughout my entire life. And to only be practical and realistic about it, I have been given something of a gift in this area. It comes naturally to me and sometimes it simply flows through me without much conscious thought of my own. There are times when I literally read something I've written and it's brand new as if I hadn't put it on the page at all. I wonder if other people that actually consider themselves writers do this. This disassociated free-flow of words onto the page only to be astounded by what has channeled itself through them.
I guess part of my problem with blog postings, is that I'm not an egoist. I don't think that everything I do is so special or important or interesting that I have to share my view of the world and my little section of it many times a day.
For the most part I consider my daily life as boring. I live my life; I send my husband off to work, I get on the computer and try to make some money myself, I take care of my toddler son, I talk to my pre-teen daughter, I do laundry and dishes and make beds and dinner. Whoop-friggin-eee! I almost put myself to sleep just writing it all down!
But, I have had some amazing experiences, known some awesome people and have a few talents and interests. Since I've been doing the freelancing I've come up with some blog ideas, and I will be updating with more regularity.
Thanks for hanging in there! I wish you; peace, joy, love, balance, courage, light and wisdom.
1 comment:
Just keep writing. Edit, of course, but don't get too hung up on the length of your articles--not on your blog anyway. If you're writing on assignment, follow the rules of the customer. The more you write, the more you will be amazed and thank God for this passion. I believe that He gives us a passion for what He has called us to do.
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