Friday, April 15, 2011

Because Sometimes Life Comes Too Fast to Blog It All

wtf ?Image by notsogoodphotography via FlickrThis post is such a random summary of what's up lately, that I figured a completely non-specific pic would be apropos.

OK, so to update y'all, the letter to the roomie was a resounding success. We patched things up that afternoon. But I'm still moving out today.

I found one apartment that would make a ghetto look like shangri-la. Seriously. There were bugs in the bathroom, the window unit was so poorly done that I could see the outside around it, and I was going to get charged an extra $10 a month because it had a refrigerator.

Yeah, WTF?

It was so depressing I almost went emo.

Instead I contacted a friend from church about a place he had mentioned, and I will look at it today. I'm very hopeful because it sounds nice. And I'm incredibly grateful because my aunt has sent some funds to help ensure I get it in a timely manner.

I also have gone through some incredible relationship changes in the last weeks.

I have weeded out all that was not working for me and was left with a friend I consider the brother I never had, and a new boyfriend who is awesome.

Managed to finally find one that is legally and emotionally available, I don't have to censor myself in front of, and who calms me... did I mention that he's crazy about me and doesn't play games about it? It's pretty fucking amazing.

And the brother-friend and the boyfriend talked yesterday while I was at work and they want to light the roomie on fire for bootin' me out for his girlfriend.

Which made my day... even if I'd never let em do it.

Been also having some incredible spiritual breakthroughs and I'm sure they will only progress as I settle in to my own place. Having my own home tends to have profound effects on me.

And school resumes on the 25th. Which I'm looking forward to, but mostly because I'm ready to be done with my AA in a field that I wouldn't detest doing for more than 30 seconds.

Well I have to go, I'm moving, looking at apartments, and doing a large number of run-around things while watching my son today.

Blessings to all... and hey, maybe the next post will actually have a point, or a plot, or something more interesting to say than just a rundown of what's up at the moment.

Here's hopin'! Registered & Protected
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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Roomie

The new moon, of no importanceImage by ZedZaP (great to be back ) via FlickrWell readers, I have to move again. I don't have a set place yet, but one is coming, of that I am certain.

My time here has set and a new day is dawning... yet again.

I'm about two weeks from having funds to get settled. That doesn't worry me as much as the way my awesome roomie has decided to behave over the last 10 days. I am leaving him this letter in response to a post-it that he left me this morning telling me to be out on Friday 5/15/11. He meant 4/15/11, I had no need to check the calendar.

Dear W~

I do not know what I have done to deserve your hostility. I guess it's because that is the only way you have ever had anyone leave your home. But you have no need of it with me. Rest assured, I will leave as I came: Grateful-for your kindness, generosity, and hospitality; and Hopeful- that I have not been too much of a burden. Everything that I have brought into the house to replace what I have used is yours to keep.

I only pray for your happiness, and if that is being with S, then I pray that God gives you both many years of love and joyousness together.

As far as details of the move; I only have off Monday 4/11 and Friday 4/15. I will do my best to remove my items during the week, but may have to leave some items until Friday. I hope that is alright; but I will be vacated by Friday afternoon at the latest. If you are not here, I will leave the key on the breakfast bar and lock up when I go.

Thank you again~

Pray for me readers... I'll write as I can until I'm re-settled.  Blessings! Registered & Protected

Friday, April 1, 2011

Not Failing to Communicate in Education

Strabismus surgery—medial rectus muscle being ...Image via WikipediaSo, thanks to my wonderful friend Joan at The Retirement Chronicles, I have an appointment with my academic advisor this morning to discuss changing my major.

Joan made a comment on the last post and suggested journalism...

I was like *heel of hand pop to the forehead* I Shoulda Had a V-8!!!

I guess at the time, Health Care Administration seemed like a great fit. I grew up with two excellent nurses, so we had a medical encyclopedia in the house, and medical terminology was commonplace; not to mention that we would watch those graphic 70's PBS specials where they did eye surgery on film.

I hated those things, and yet they entranced me... kind of like car wrecks on the freeway.

So, I knew nursing was never an option, but the paperwork side of it, yeah! I mean, if I'm trained on how to handle certain paperwork, I'm a friggin savant at it.

Hence, the bookkeeper position at work.... but I digress...

Therefore, the admin side of health care seemed to fit; take a lifetime's worth of informal training and match it with something you're naturally good at... No Brainer!

And that's why no brainers can be a bad idea.

Well, now that my brain has engaged, it's time for a change.

And writing just makes me happy... I guess that's why I like texting and emailing as opposed to talking.

So my advisor has turned me on to communications.

Which sounds like it will right up my alley.


I know it can't be worse than insurance forms.

It may even give me an excuse to be online every waking moment that I'm not at work.

Which totally works for me.

So we'll see how this goes... and I'll keep y'all posted, because I'm a natural born communicator. Registered & Protected
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