Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July Sucked!! No Wait It's Better! Nope, It Sucks Again

M (James Bond)Image via Wikipedia
I'm trying to be classy this time.  Like Judi Dench would be.

However, what I really want to do is be petty and nickle-and-dime this jackhole until his eyes and ears bleed.

In short July kinda sucked, but then it got better for a minute, and then it sucks again.

Let me explain.  We started the month by finding out that the tier three unemployment (that we were told we would just roll-over to) had not been approved by the government yet.  So, you know, that bill paying check that you were waiting on because you're family is still dependent on unemployment and you pay bills with one check and the other bills and buy food with the other check and you have nothing left saved at all...

That check?  Yeah, ummmm well keep filing and when and if the fucking Republicans get their heads out of their greedy tight asses, you'll get back pay.  Until then, good luck... no wait, this is a government agency; no good luck.  We rescind the good luck statement and replace it with fuck you, your call has been disconnected try again later.  So no money coming in from Hubby's end.  (I only mention this specifically because it will become important later.)

And my daughter came amidst all of the unintentional poverty.  Which we were graciously pulled out of the depths by the kindness and generosity of unexpected help by a couple of family members.  And to them I bow down and kiss their pumps or heels or asses (whatever they prefer).

So we were able to get my daughter from the airport with a registered and insured vehicle and had the money for tolls and gas both to and from the airport both ways.  Hell, we even had enough left to feed her while she was here... cause yeah, it was looking that bad.

And then my grandmother came through one last time in the final disbursement of her estate which was enough to actually pay all the bills up including the current due.  Which was nice cause trying to do internet college on library computers sucks donkey rocks.  And having to wait till you get all two-hours-of-drive home to call the people involved with your daughters travel plans sucks.  And wondering if you're going to wake up with electricity and home phone service sucks.  And getting phone calls that they're going to repossess tool-boxes sucks.  And all three of your husbands credit cards are now over-limit thanks to fees so now we can tack on more fees, sucks.  And trying to concoct something edible out of 4 day old baked dry-ass chicken breast for a man that's doing Atkins for his diabetes and totally ungrateful for your culinary inventiveness sucks. And Gran's estate disbursement took care of all of that.

I have 5 dollars left in my wallet.  That's all.  But hey, the bills are all paid up and we won't start getting 'hey where is our money' calls until the first week in September when they'll be over-due again.  YAY!!! 

Except that yesterday, hubby... Prince that he is, told me that when his back-pay and all that comes in from unemployment since the Republicans unclenched, he's going to change the oil in my car and give me $500 and I need to move out.

Here's the kicker; he's been thinking about it for months.


And the sorry, no account mother fucker let me spend all of my money paying bills for what is soon to be ONLY HIS house.

I'm trying to be classy here, so I will stop myself before I rant.   And I'm not going to call him out on facebook this time.  Why would I, this did not originate on facebook this time.

I'm livid.  I'm also aware that it's time for me to go, so it's not that painful, but to quote M from James Bond, "He's got a bloody cheek!"  (You really need to put that into a British accent to not have it sound like he needs stitches.)

I have faith that God will allow me to leave here well, very well.  But, that's why I haven't been writing; better to blurt it all out in one OMFG blog post than drag all the crap out for the entire month post by post.

Any prayers would be greatly appreciated; cause July has really sucked. Registered & Protected
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Apparently, My Computer Hates Holidays

Friday night fireworks in Wildwood, New JerseyImage via Wikipedia
I'm sure y'all are wondering where I've been... "Did she start back blogging only to drop us all like hot potatoes again?"

No, I thought long and hard about quitting and then longer and harder about resuming my blog to leave y'all in the lurch yet again.

However, my computer has no such moral compass.

The bitch that I named Juliet died on July second.  Yeah, the week of finals.  Nice, huh?  I swear I'm gonna sledgehammer this bitch the second I am able to replace her  Don't talk bad about her though, she may rebel, and I have a 2000-word paper for my new round of classes due on Sunday.

Nice Juliet.  Good Juliet.

By the grace of God, I turned in my finals on Thursday night and even stayed up late enough that I was able to submit my final two answers for my participation requirements (which had to be posted Friday).  However, my classes are such that the old classes end on a Sunday and the new block of classes begin on the very next day, Monday.

So it was that, even with my finals submitted, I was frantic when I got up Friday and tried to wake up Juliet, but was greeted by the blue screen of death.

A little side note... the same thing happened to me on Good Friday, this recently past Easter weekend.

Juliet, must have had a cousin who suffered a life-altering motherboard incident during a holiday... or something, cause W.T.F?!?

By the way, have you ever tried to get service done to anything on a holiday weekend?

Fucking Nightmare!  'nuff said.

Turns out, after a few hours speaking with many, many, many, many, many people who pronounced words with a lilting Indian-English accent, I finally got someone to not transfer my call after informing him or her that my hard drive went bad, dead and tits-up.

Since I just went through this three months ago, I knew all the tests to perform and the numbers that HP tech support would need, but they still made me do all the legwork with them on the phone, cause I couldn't possibly know what I was talking about so that they could in a marginally understandable accent tell me that my hard drive went bad, died, and was tits-up.  *eyerollmaskedbyfakesmile*


I had to let it go for the weekend otherwise I would have gone into an apoplectic rage and murdered all manner of people with accents and electronic equipment which allowed me to read three books and two magazines and still have time to clean the house and do the laundry, and write in my actual pen-and-ink journal, and play with my son and watch my husband and our roommate shoot off some fireworks in the driveway cause that is the one of the few rare benefits of living out in the country.

Amazing how much time the computer eats-up when one doesn't just do school and blogging, but also starts playing games on facebook... anyway...

 Hubby insisted that I not ship Juliet off to HP, but to take it to his beloved Best Buy.

Somehow, God called in a favor and I got the computer in to Best Buy on Monday, and back from Best Buy on Wednesday morning.  Which was wonderful, except that I was a full day behind from the holiday weekend and all of my assignments for this week were turned in a day late, until today, cause now I am actually aware it's Friday and not Thursday.

So I go to work on my participation due today and find out that Juliet has dropped her 'T'.

The fucking bitch no longer has a working T on the keyboard... and I have a 2000 word essay due for Ethnic Diversity class, in which I have to pretend to be a person from a subordinate group and write the paper in journal form with required APA formatted references, due on Sunday.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?  NO 'T'?!?  It's not like it's the 'X' key for Pete's Sake!

Luckily, hubby remembered that we had a keyboard in the back, so I am able to blog this and do my schoolwork over the weekend, but obviously, the bitch is going to need to go back to the 'puter doctor for repairs...


I just keep reminding myself that this and all of the other problems we are currently facing (that I have not covered here) all came on at once.  And the only time we (people) get hit all at once is when we're about to come up higher.

Come on God send me the good!  right now, as in: this very minute, would be great, thanks. Registered & Protected
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